Collaborative development and assessment of SousLeSens


The Collaborative development and assessment of SousLeSens working group is a collaborative initiative focused on the development and enhancement of the SousLeSens suite of tools. SousLeSens is a specialized toolset designed to navigate, compare, visualize, and enrich SKOS vocabularies and OWL ontologies. It is freely available under the MIT license on the GitHub repository and offers capabilities for knowledge graph representations, queries, and triple store generation and management.

SousLeSens serves as the engine and toolbox for setting up our information methodology in a flexible and sustainable direction, using a common standard framework. The working group aims to improve the system’s features, align it with ontology engineering methodology, and make it compatible with popular standard ontologies.

The group’s efforts have led to the creation of SousLeSens, a platform developed in collaboration with industry professionals to make the semantic web and ontologies more accessible and useful for industries. The project began as an open-source initiative and has since gained academic success with ENIT and Ontology, as well as industrial partnerships with companies like Total and Equinor.

Success is based on an open architecture and features a search engine, triple store, and visualization engine, among other tools. It also offers APIs for external programs like Python, Java, and Jenna, making it a versatile and powerful web application. The working group’s ambition is to continue developing Success into a robust, high-quality platform for knowledge graph methodology and semantic graph construction.

Scope and Purpose

The purpose of the working group is to collaboratively develop and enhance the SousLeSens (SLS) system, a tool for creating and managing knowledge graphs and semantic graphs. The group aims to improve the system’s features, make it more user-friendly, and align it with ontology engineering methodology and enterprise knowledge management strategy.

The scope of the working group includes:

1. Collaborative Planning and Development: The group works together to plan and develop new features for the SLS system. They gather requirements from various users, including industry professionals and academics, to ensure the system meets the needs of a wide range of users.

2. Enhancement of Existing Features: The group aims to improve the existing features of the SLS system, with a particular focus on making them more user-friendly.

3. Testing and Assessment: The group tests various features of the system, assessing their usability and user experience. They use an iterative and agile development approach to continuously improve the system based on feedback and test results.

4. Integration with Ontology Engineering Methodology: The group aims to integrate the SLS system more closely with ontology engineering methodology, making it easier for users to map data to ontologies and create effective knowledge graphs.

5. Compatibility with Standard Ontologies: The group works to make the SLS system compatible with the most popular standard ontologies and reference ontologies.

6. Establishment of a Steering Committee: The group plans to establish a steering committee for planning and decision-making, as well as developer, documenter, and packaging groups.

7. Provision of Online Access: The group aims to provide online access to the tools, both free and premium, with plugins and services.

The group’s ambition is to develop a robust, high-quality platform for knowledge graph methodology and semantic graph construction. They are working in partnership with a tool called Doer to achieve this goal.

Expected outcome of the WG

The expected outcomes of the SLS working group can be summarized as follows:

1. Periodic and Regular Release of SLS: The working group aims to release updated versions of the SousLeSens suite under an Agile project management strategy. These regular releases will incorporate new features, improvements, and bug fixes based on feedback from users and the working group’s development efforts.

2. Documentation: The group will provide updated technical and user documentation every six months. The technical documentation will cover code and deployment, while the user documentation will provide guidance on how to use the tools effectively.

3. Roadmap: The working group will develop and update a roadmap every six months, outlining the strategy for managing the development of new features and the evolution of the software. The roadmap will help ensure that the group’s efforts are aligned with the needs of users and the broader community.

4. Annual Community Event: The group plans to organize at least one event every year to engage with the SLS communities, share knowledge, and gather feedback. This event will provide an opportunity for users to learn about new features, share their experiences, and provide input on future developments.

5. Establishment of Common and Collaborative Space: Within one year, the working group aims to establish a common and collaborative space for users and developers to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and contribute to the development of the SLS tools.

6. Commercial Services: The group plans to prepare commercial services, such as plugins, consultancy, and bespoke solutions, to support the needs of industrial partners and other users who require more specialized features or assistance.

7. Publications: The working group aims to publish at least one conference paper per year to share their research findings, best practices, and case studies with the broader academic and industrial communities. These publications will help to promote the use of the SousLeSens tools and contribute to the advancement of knowledge graph methodology and semantic graph construction.

Tentative schedule

To be updated soon!

Member relationship

This working group welcomes potential participants from various backgrounds and areas of expertise, including ontologists, subject matter experts, developers, data analysts, and AI/NLP/LLM experts. Each participant is expected to contribute to the collaborative development of ontologies, methodologies, and tools, as well as provide valuable input to surveys and peer reviews of ongoing developments.

The expected contributions from participants in the working group include:

1. Ontologists (academic and industry): Ontologists will contribute their expertise in ontology engineering, collaborative development of ontologies, and methodologies. They will also provide valuable feedback on the usability and effectiveness of the SLS tools for ontology engineering tasks.

2. Subject Matter Experts: Application ontology and KG designers, as well as domain ontology experts, will contribute their knowledge of specific domains and use cases. They will help ensure that the SLS tools are well-suited to meet the needs of various industries and applications.

3. Developers/IT Architects: Developers and IT architects will contribute to the development and enhancement of the SLS tools, as well as the integration of the tools with other systems and platforms. They will also provide valuable input on software architecture and development best practices.

4. Data Analysts: Data analysts will contribute their expertise in data analysis and visualization, helping to ensure that the SLS tools provide effective and user-friendly ways to analyze and visualize knowledge graphs.

5. AI/NLP/LLM Experts: AI, NLP, and LLM experts will contribute their knowledge of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning techniques. They will help to ensure that the SLS tools are well-suited for AI-related applications and can effectively leverage AI technologies.

In return for their contributions, participants in the SousLeSens working group can expect several potential benefits:

1. Better Control in the AI Process: By introducing semantics into their processes, participants can gain better control over AI-related tasks, leading to improved accuracy and efficiency.

2. Shaping the Future of SLS: Participants will have the opportunity to promote their views and help shape the future development of the SousLeSens tools, ensuring that they meet the needs of the broader community.

3. Bridging Different Views: The working group provides a platform for participants to bridge different views of the semantic knowledge graph world and collaborate on building tool support through SousLeSens.

4. Credit for Contributions: Participants will receive credit for their contributions to each release of the SLS tools, acknowledging their role in the development process.

5. Co-authoring Publications: Participants may have the opportunity to co-author publications based on the working group’s research and development activities, contributing to their professional growth and visibility in the academic and industrial communities.

Introductory Video

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Claude Fauconnet

Independent Consultant