Join us to learn about KGA’s New Working Groups!

The Knowledge Graph Alliance (KGA) is thrilled to announce an upcoming webinar that will introduce our six newly established working groups, set to revolutionise the integration of Semantic Knowledge Graphs (SKG) with the ever-evolving landscape of AI technologies. These groups aim to fortify SKG’s role amidst advancements in big data, machine learning, digital twins and threads, large language models, and explainable AI. Our objective is to push the boundaries of these technologies further, aiming to not only advance the state of these technologies but also to cater to the practical needs of various industries.

Understanding that the power of SKG is unleashed when its applications reach a critical mass in terms of its coverage of a broad range of domains and industrial sectors,ÂKGA firmly believes that collaborative research and development are essential for achieving these ambitious goals. This webinar serves as an open call to both KGA members and the broader community, inviting every individual interested in AI and SKG to explore the ambitious missions, visions, and strategic roadmaps of our working groups. Participants will gain insight into the pivotal challenges these groups aim to tackle, the anticipated outcomes of their endeavours, and how community involvement is pivotal to their success.

The focus of our working groups spans across critical fields of study, emphasising the importance of community participation in driving success. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to engage directly with the leaders of these groups, learning about the benefits of participation, including being at the innovation forefront, gaining recognition for contributing to widely acknowledged research, and becoming part of an expanding network of AI and SKG experts.

This webinar is not just an introduction to our working groups; it’s a gateway to being actively involved in setting the direction for future AI and SKG advancements. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of shaping the future of AI and SKG. Whether you’re a current member of KGA or simply passionate about the potential of these technologies, your involvement in our working groups promises to be a highly rewarding journey towards innovation and industry transformation.


Time (GMT)WG TitleSpeaker
16:00Enhancing Machine Learning through Ontologies: Trust, Integration, and Performance in Emerging TechnologiesZhaohui Geng (Ohio University) and Bernadin Namoano (Cranfield University)
16:20The Large-Language Models, Ontologies, and Knowledge Graphs Working GroupJohn Beverly (University of Buffalo)
16:40SousLeSens – collaborative development and assessment of SousLeSensClaude Fauconnet (SLS)
17:00Explainable-AI-ready data and metadata principlesMartin Thomas Horsch (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
17:40IndustryPortal – maintenance, upgrade and synchronization of industrial ontology repositoryThierry Louge (UTOP)
17:50Harmonised methodology of professional semantic KG development and maintenanceArkopaul Sarkar / Bruno Dartz (Michelin)